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Make Travel Your 2024 Resolution

Writer: Blake GuinnBlake Guinn

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

Focus on experiences, not things as you prepare for the new year.

Not to start things off on a political note but we believe that travel is the silver bullet.

What does this mean? It means that in our worthless opinion, travel can solve many problems that plague individuals and the world. Stepping out of your comfort zone and your own back yard has the potential to put things into perspective, teach you that things that seem large are really small while letting you know that there's a big world out there. It can give you an appreciation for what you have while giving you the hunger and drive to know that there's more.

So many things can be fixed by simply roaming. As a citizen of the United States, I often get comfortable and narrow-sighted on the issues and daily inconveniences that plague me, my country, and my small world. When I visit other countries, I understand just how fortunate I really am to have many modern conveniences that I enjoy on a daily basis. It also drives me to a place of realization that there's more than one way to live life. Some places I've visited have it better, some worse.

People that really travel would have a harder time looking down and having racist feelings towards other cultures. By exploring the world you make connections with people that speak different languages, live different lives, and think differently about things than those you interact with everyday.

Often we get stuck in our tiny little slice of the world and convince ourselves that where we are and what we are doing is the center of the universe. Seeing a different side of our world whether it be better or worse than your present situation can open your mind, ease your worries and pressures, and change your prospective on worldly issues that often consume us.

In 2024, let's make a resolution to roam. Let's make a resolution to step outside of our comfort zones and own backyards to experience the culture of others. Learn a new language, eat new foods, meet new people, and open our minds to the world that's out there.

Traveling has changed the way I see everything. For the better.

Not a big traveler? Start small and work your way up. There's a big world out there and it's filled with beautiful places and beautiful people.

Don't wait. Tomorrow is never guaranteed and I think I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead. I've been blessed to see some beautiful things in my short time here on God's beautiful earth. I'm fortunate and I know that but I've also made the choice to go when I can and not be afraid of what's different and unknown. I've made travel a priority financially instead of stuff that I'll discard once I get bored with it. I've never gotten bored with a memory.

Change your perspective in 2024. Instead of buying material things, buy memories and experiences. I promise you won't regret it.

It costs nothing to let CruiseNReview Travel Advisors help you plan your travels and get started on your 2024 new year's resolution. Contact us clicking here or e-mailing or by calling (870) 273-5004.


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