Sometimes you just need a nice day of nothing when you're on vacation. That's exactly what we did on our final day in San Juan, Puerto Rico before embarking on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas on Sunday.
Pool Day

We had discussed the possibility of taking an excursion on Saturday but since we had a port intensive cruise and tons of activities planned over the next seven days, a pool day in one of La Concha's infinity pools sounded terrific to both of us.
We recorded and wrote our content for the day and then lathered up with sunscreen (Tik Tok on that coming soon), and headed down to the adults only pool, bucket of beer in hand. We spent several hours there before getting cleaned up for dinner.
As we mentioned yesterday, the service from the bar staff at the pool is awesome at this resort. The view from the pool is incredible and you enjoy the ocean without the waves and sand. It was a nice relaxing day by the pool. The night was a little less relaxing, but you can only expect us to sit idle for so long before we get into some trouble.
Señor Frogs

Sometimes you just need to fall into a tourist trap. Usually, Señor Frogs is reserved for a party stop on a cruise in Cozumel, Mexico. We wondered across the restaurant while walking around Old San Juan on Friday. There were actually no plans to visit the restaurant but after a few drinks in the pool, one thing led to another and guess where we ended up?
This was referenced in our first vlog, but we travel with a special Build-A-Bear that we got before our engagement cruise in 2015. Norris Frog (Don't Ask) has taken on a social media personality of his own and provides with a source of comic (or frustration) release. Anyway, given that he is a frog, we felt it only appropriate that he patronize a frog owned business while in Puerto Rico. You can follow him on social media if you'd like. He provides the lighter, less annoying content. If you thin we are crazy, you are right. We have fun though. Enjoy life, sometimes you just need to take a plush toy to his favorite restaurant.
Visiting San Juan
I don't want to short you on content or recommendations for San Juan just because we took it a little easier on this trip since it was pre-cruise and it was our fourth time to visit. There is a ton to do here. It's safe, beautiful, and diverse on activities for families of all ages. If you don't want to cruise, I highly encourage you to visit Puerto Rico as a land vacation. San Juan is easy to fly into and a nice break from the continental United States but with the comforts of home. If you visit, here are some of our recommendations while you're here:
Upcoming Content
Sunday is boarding day for the CruiseNReview family. Sometime in the afternoon we will board Voyager of the Seas for our 7-Night Southern Caribbean cruise. This is when the content will really ramp up. Our daily content will continue from onboard so stay tuned to our social media pages:
YouTube (Live Vlogs)
Our detailed itinerary is listed below. For days that are underlined in blue, you can click and review the content from that particular day.
Saturday, February 18 - Pre-Cruise in San Juan
Sunday, February 19 - Board Voyager of the Seas in San Juan
Monday, February 20 - Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
Tuesday, February 21 - Frederiksted, St. Croix
Wednesday, February 22 - Philipsburg, St. Maarten
Thursday, February 23 - Castries, St. Lucia
Friday, February 24 - Bridgetown, Barbados
Saturday, February 25 - Basseterre, St. Kitts
Sunday, February 26 - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Be sure to subscribe to our news alerts to get a daily post card and update from our team during our travels.
We'll see you tomorrow onboard Voyager of the Seas!